Public Comment Instructions
The budget committee hearing will be held on Monday, June 26, at 10 a.m. Each speaker will have one minute for comments. Public comment will be taken from those attending in-person first. Remote telephone call-in speakers will be taken after all in-person attendees have spoken.
Thank you for giving public comment. Your voice matters!
To watch online, go to SFGovTV.
IN-PERSON: If you are in the Supervisors’ Chambers or Committee Meeting Room, when the Clerk opens public comment, join the line to give comment. The “live” speakers in the chambers will go first. See below the public comment template.
REMOTE: If you are watching the live stream of the hearing on SFGovTV, give public comment over the phone:
Dial 415-655-0001
At the prompt enter this Meeting ID: 2597 675 7544, then press # # to join the conference line.
When the Clerk opens Public Comment, press * 3 on your keypad to join the queue to give public comment (see sample comments below).
Shorter is better. Public comment will be limited to one minute.
“Good afternoon Chair Chan and Supervisors -
My name is [your name]. I am a [resident, business owner, etc] in District [# or just give your neighborhood].
I urge you to fund 1,000 new shelter beds and 1,000 leased apartments in next year’s budget. With more than 4,000 unsheltered people living on our streets, adding 1,000 shelter beds and 1,000 apartments would make an immediate impact on bringing people inside.
The City should use its most cost-effective solutions for shelter and housing. For example, the City could lease hotels for non-congregate shelter and rent apartments for housing.
Everyone -- both housed and unhoused -- have waited too long. We do not want more business as usual. Treat homelessness like a natural disaster. After living with homelessness for more than four decades, the residents of San Francisco are demanding action on ending this crisis. Thank you."
After you complete your statement, please hang up your phone. You can continue watching the hearing via SFGovTV.