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Voter Guide 

1. Strategy

What is your strategy for ending homelessness in San Francisco?  Who will be responsible for implementing your strategy and delivering results?  Can you specify concrete goals for what your homelessness strategy will accomplish?

2. Voluntary Homelessnesss

Many people who are unsheltered refuse the City’s offers of shelter and are therefore considered to be voluntarily homeless.  Under your administration, what will be the City’s policy for dealing with people who are voluntarily homeless?  How would your administration respond to people who refuse shelter?

3. Addiction and Mental Illness

Many of San Francisco’s homeless residents are struggling with addiction or mental illness, yet they decline to receive services.  What services would you offer for homeless residents who need behavioral health services?  Under your administration, how would the City deal with homeless residents who engage in public drug use or are mentally ill but decline services?

4. Permanent Housing

How would your administration help homeless people find permanent housing?  Can the City afford to provide all unhoused residents with permanent supportive housing in San Francisco?  If not, what are the alternatives?  How can more formerly homeless people live independently, without permanent supportive housing?  Would you consider permanent housing options outside of San Francisco?

5. City Budget

The City’s budget is expected to face declining revenue into the foreseeable future.  Will your administration prioritize spending on homelessness? What role should federal, state, and regional governments play in ending homelessness in San Francisco?

6. Accountability

San Francisco residents have heard politicians make a lot of promises about homelessness over the past forty years.  How will San Francisco residents know whether your strategy has succeeded or failed?  How will you hold your administration accountable for producing results to end homelessness in San Francisco?

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